
It is vital for patients to be made aware of the factors over which they DO have control, factors such as diet, exercise and identifying both good and bad stress. These may help determine their health, their longevity and their quality of life.

Lifestyle Peer Groups and Webinars

Lifestyle Peer Groups provide a welcoming environment to learn and share your journey toward a healthier, more balanced life. Whether you’re just starting out or have more experience, our support groups offer opportunities for discussing key lifestyle principles, managing stress effectively, and gaining insights into handling the side effects of cancer treatment.

Join one of our webinars for an in-depth session covering essential lifestyle topics. These webinars focus on information-sharing with dedicated time for questions, though interaction may be more limited than in support groups.

Stay up-to-date with upcoming lifestyle events by subscribing to our newsletter!




Stress Management

3pm – 4pm EST



Motivation to Move

2pm – 3pm EST

More To Say

  • Fatigue and Exercise

    Fatigue and Exercise


    Fatigue and Exercise: Fatigue is a commonly reported symptom by cancer patients.  Cancer-Related Fatigue (CRF) has been formally defined as…

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